Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Tacoma area writing meet up on January 11th

Happy 2020 Sockmonkeys!

I know, it's been pretty quiet here on the blog.  Sorry about that.  In any case, here's your first update of the New Year - an invitation to a fledgling writing group in Tacoma, if you're interested and available to attend.  I'll start with the original post from the NaNo site/FB group:

In case folks are using a text reader and can't read the words in the screenshot, here is the text:

"Hi, now that the crush is over, I'm interested in following up on this topic- imagining it as Post-Nano groups.

  1. I'm looking for one or two critique partners with whom I can share WIP's.  I currently have one fantasy novel in late beta, and two short stories that need some editing.  I'm (sic) have a fair amount of experience doing critiques, and am reasonably gentle in my comments! (I taught HS english for 8 years.)
  2.  I'm also interested in a monthly or bi-monthly writing group located in Stadium district or north (I live just north of the Proctor District. There are some good coffee houses around. I'm sad that Metronome closed.
  3. As a lifelong writer, I know that there is always more to learn about the craft, so I'm interested in a small group (2 - 4) who would be willing to work through one of the many excellent books on the craft of writing, sharing assignments and doing peer critiques.  Books that I have found helpful include: Steering The Craft (Le Guin), Story Genius (Cron), Story Trumps Structure (James).  My idea for an approach would be to read a chapter every two weeks or so, and then share responses to the assignments.  It's really a self-organizing class, run at what ever level of intensity works for folks.
Thanks for listening:
johngreville (NaNo name)"

It is great that johngreville and another Sockmonkey from the NaNo site were able to connect that way and get something started!  Thank you for posting it in the group and sharing it with everyone.  You have three very interesting ideas there and a writing group could encompass any or all of those things as the attending members agree and decide where to take the group.  He also recently posted a brief update with the date, time and location of their first meeting:

For those with text readers it says:

"Wishing all you industrious Sockmonkeys a joyous New Year and many successes in 2020. Coming up first is a casual write in on January 11, 11:00 am, at Bluebeard Coffee on 6th Ave in Tacoma.  So far two of us are attending.  All are welcome.


Whether you can attend this first meeting or not, if you're interested in joining a group to write in that general area of Tacoma, please, post in the comments and/or send a quick note (either via email or using the "Questions? Ideas? Let us know." box on the side of the blog) with your contact info and I will forward it on to johngreville so he can add you to their communications more directly.  [I'm a bit sad I don't live closer so that I can attend a write in I don't have to host! ;) ]

Many writers tend to make a writing related New Year's resolution.  If yours is to write more regularly or to get more involved in the local writing community name it, there are many possibilities...attending an in person write in (if you are able to do so) is a great way to do that.  Also, remember that Tacoma is a big city and part of the larger Pierce County area, so if this particular locale/date/time/etc., doesn't work for you, consider hosting one of your own at a time and place that is convenient for you.  But remember, be patient and persistent.  We're all creatures of habit and you're hoping people will disrupt their usual habit at that time to create a new one with someone they haven't met, so you may not get any "takers" at the start.  Just be assured that if people know it's available on a regular basis, they are more likely to put it into their schedule in the future.

Do you know of any new writing groups forming in our area this year?  
How is your writing progressing now that we're past the winter holidays and into the new year?  
Do you know of any local writing classes or workshops that can be posted here? 
Any questions about this post?  

Please, leave your answers or questions in the comments so the info can be passed along to other writers in the area!


  1. Planning on attending and bringing a nano friend. Count 2

  2. Planning on attending and bringing a friend as well.

  3. Hi, we are here at Bluebeard but not sure who the writers are. Anybody else looking around for the group?

  4. Tried to attend. Hope the group went well.

  5. Oh, wow, great to see there was some interest! Sorry to hear you weren't able to connect with the group that was there. I'm in contact with the host and will work out a way in the future for them to let people know who they are/where they're sitting so they'll be easier to find at future meetings. (I've also asked that they keep an eye on the blog posts in the future so they can post identifying info as well as reply to any comments or questions like these in the future.).

  6. Hi, all. Sorry I didn't check the blog! Also bummer that I didn't do a better job of identifying myself. I only told Josiah. I'll post on the blog next time! Glad to see there was interest. I'll be traveling most of February, but will plan another in March. And I'll post on the blog first! And get some kind of table ornament. I'm not sure Bluebeard is the best place - it was very crowded. I'm certainly open to other suggestions. There's Anthem in Old Town, and Anthem and Jewel Box at Point Ruston. I'm sure some of you in Tacoma have favorites.
