Sunday, July 12, 2020

Virtual Writing Retreat July 17th - 19th

Hello, Sockmonkeys!

After sharing the information about the Tacoma Library's Writing Workshop, I found a listing for the Evergreen Writing Oasis.  Just looking at the pictures I found initially, it looked like it might be based somewhere in our area, but, of course, it's actually a virtual writing retreat.

This is the message on their landing page:


The Evergreen Writing Oasis is a virtual writing retreat where writers across the globe can come to relax, unwind, learn, and participate in panels and workshops from the comfort of their home. The retreat is held the weekend of July 17th-19th and will broadcast via YouTube."

All of the events that are listed are in Eastern time, so the Friday sessions will run between 12 noon and 6:30 p.m. Pacific, the Saturday sessions will run between 7 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and the Sunday sessions will run between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.  The topics for each session are listed on their Schedule page, but include: Writing Tips, Burnout/Fill the Well, Marketing, Outlining/Drafting, Diversity, Self and Developmental Editing, CPs (Critique Partners)/Beta Readers, and Author Platform. If you're interested in one or more of these topics, it might be worth it to check those sessions out.

Their site says the event is free (you don't even have to register) but they are selling merchandise to raise money to be donated to a charity that will be chosen at the end of the retreat by those who vote on it.  It is not required for participation.

Do you think you might attend (watch) one or more of these sessions? Are there any in particular you're most interested in? 

Please, if you see events like this, whether they're local or online, that you think other Sockmonkey writers might be interested in, share the link via the comments box on the side of this blog or send the information to so it can be posted!

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