Saturday, October 19, 2019

Introductions Are In Order (The Sockmonkey Saga Continues!)

If you're new to the region, you may not know the story of our mascot, Sockmonkey.  The story, as of the end of last NaNoWriMo, can be found on our About SockMonkey Writers page.  We ended two rounds of voting with a tie.  It was a tie between the same two names - Polly Esther Socks, submitted by notagain and Pierson submitted by missmobtown.

I had announced that, if the second round of voting was a tie, I would just roll a die and randomly choose one to be our mascot's new name.  Unfortunately, I found that I just couldn't let the choice be determined randomly, because I liked both names (one for its humor and the other because it represented our county) and they seemed to fit.  After a bit of searching, I came across another solution that involves both names.

I bought a lovely outfit for Sockmonkey and adopted a Sockdog friend, allowing us to have Polly Esther Socks and Pierson!

My daughter volunteered to draw a graphical icon of the two of them together that I could use on our social sites, which you can see above.  Their images will be gradually replacing the ones already present in our online spaces.  We may also do some regional fundraisers (to help offset the costs of room rental and other event expenses) involving our newly named mascots in the future.

Whether you suggested a name, voted in person or online or any combination of the three, thank you for participating in naming our regional mascots!  If you'd like to meet them and have your picture taken with them (possibly to share on our regional social media), please come to any event I'm hosting this November - they'll be waiting. 

*Whoops!  I guess I posted the wrong link for our About page in the text.  I just edited it to change that.  Sorry for the confusion. 


  1. Hello sockeye! ♡♡ so happy to see there is local nanowrimo here

  2. Sorry for the delayed reply. I have been busy planning for and running various NaNo events since I posted this. I hope you were able to join us for an event this NaNo and that you'll continue to say hello in the future. :)
