Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Sockmonkey Wednesday Update Time and Mini April Camp NaNoWriMo Update

It's that time again, Sockmonkeys!

Is weekly too often for these?  Oh well, I'll try to keep them coming and I hope more of you will chime in as you have various updates to add.

How is your writing going?  Or have you been reading?  Been sidelined by other life responsibilities?  Using your creativity in other ways?  Please, pop in the comments and let us know a bit about what you've been up to, we'd love to hear from you!

If you're new to NaNoWriMo in general and Camp NaNoWriMo specifically, you may be wondering what this whole "Camp NaNoWriMo" thing is about.  To put it briefly, it's like National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November, but during Camp, you can choose your own word count or creative goal.  [Although, I believe they are still coding in some of the old Camp functionality, so right now it only tracks words.  They eventually hope to allow you to track progress by minutes or hours spent, say, editing.]

The thing they've added that's very similar to the old Cabins from the Camp NaNoWriMo website is a thing called "groups".  You are allowed to join more than one group, if you choose, of course, but if you'd like to join a Regional Cabin with other Pierce County Sockmonkey Writers, I have set two up.  (If you get the emails from NaNo Headquarters, you've likely already seen a very short blurb about this with two links directly to the sign up threads, if not, please consider this your invitation to join.)  You need to be a registered user on the site in order to join a cabin/group. 

If you'd like to join Cabin 1, please reply to the thread linked here.

Once Cabin 1 is full, please reply to the Cabin 2 thread here

Each Regional Cabin has a capacity of 20, minus the Head Camper (me), so two should be plenty, but I can create more if we have that many who want to join us.

I will send you an invite from the NaNo site as soon as I'm able after you reply to the thread and you'll need to accept it in order to join the cabin.

Any questions?  Please feel free to leave them in the comments (someone else may have the same question, after all!) or send an email to our regional email @ .

And, whether you decide to participate in April Camp NaNo or not, happy writing!

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