Monday, February 15, 2021

Old NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo Public Site Archives to be Retired February 25, 2021


Hi Sockmonkeys!

NaNoWriMo HQ recently sent out an email to let everyone know that public access to the site archives will end on February 25th, 2021. Above is a screenshot of the official post on the current NaNoWriMo forums, which reads, in part:

"Based on our tech team's recommendation, and the continued cost of maintaining the servers for these archives, we're going to close both archive sites by Thursday, February 25. If you have anything you want to save from the NaNoWriMo archive or the Camp NaNoWriMo Archive, please make sure to copy and paste it, or preserve it in some other way from the archives by then!


Archived data will not be deleted, it is simply being taken offline. Our technical team will still have access to it and the import tools will still function."

If you didn't read or receive the email about this, you can read the official post about it on the NaNoWriMo forums HERE. (It also includes direct links to the Archive site and Camp Archive site, as well as links to the Pep Talk archive and directions for how to re-import project data to the new site.)

If you joined after the new site was in use and didn't use either of the old sites, you don't need to do anything, but, if you've taken part in NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo for a while and you have old NaNoMail or buddies on your buddy list or anything you'd like to save for later, now is the time to go save that information.

In case you find yourself on the forums and decide you want to check the Archive site for yourself, you can find it at the bottom of the forum navigation drop-down menu, pictured below:

The Archive link is in the left-hand column, at the very bottom.  When you click on it, your browser may warn you that it's "not safe" to go forward, that is because they no longer have the site certificate active. You can still visit the site.  When you do, you will, if you've been part of the NaNo community for a while, see a very familiar screen:

Once you log in, you will be able to access your old projects, old NaNoMail or old buddy list and save the data you're after.

Accessing the Camp Archive from the forums is similar:

The link to the Camp NaNoWriMo Archive is at the bottom of the column on the right-hand side. You will get the same browser warning mentioned above, for the same reason, but you can still access the site. When you do, it may not have the graphics it used to have, and may look like the screen pictured below:

You will still be able to log in to the Camp site and grab, copy, or take a screenshot of any of the information you would like to save.

If you don't get to this before the deadline, you can still bring project data over using their import tool. You just won't have access to anything on either site directly.

Any questions about this, please leave them in the comments below or go to the thread on the forums and ask NaNoWriMo staff directly.

I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy now that we're firmly in 2021!

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