Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Help Wanted! NaNoWriMo 2022 Write-In Suggestions Needed


Hello Sockmonkeys!

It's hard to believe we're here again, but it's the beginning of October and preparations for NaNoWriMo are underway. After two years of online only events, NaNoWriMo HQ has allowed for official in person write-ins with two caveats: steps must be taken to reduce any potential harm to those who attend events in person and no one is required to host in person events. In keeping with their official stance on harm reduction , I ask that everyone who attends an in-person write-in wear a mask and that you do NOT attend if you or someone you live with may have been exposed to Covid-19 or if you are sick with any cold or flu virus.

In order to mitigate my risk, I will host a majority of my events online, but there may be a few in-person events - if I can find suitable locations.  This is where you come in, Sockmonkeys.

Usually, I happily reserve meeting rooms at various branches of the Pierce County Library system, but, when I looked at their meeting room use page online, I found:

The most pertinent of the bullet points listed are:

*Canceled all public meetings in public meeting rooms.
*Closed all conference rooms to the public.

This severely limits the number of locations I am familiar with that have seating, tables and outlets (along with restroom facilities) that can accommodate a write-in or regional NaNoWriMo event, so, if you know of any places in your area where we might hold a write in, this year or in the future, please add that information to this Write In Location Suggestions Google form.

If you'd prefer not to use the form, please e-mail me at pcsockmonkeywriters (at) with the answers to as many of these prompts as possible:

Location name, address and phone number or email at the very least. 

If possible: a contact name; if there are outlets writers can use; how many writers it could accommodate; is there plenty of parking; is it close to a bus line; can it accommodate writers with disabilities and any other things you think might be helpful.

Not participating in NaNoWriMo this year? That's okay. Please add suggestions anyhow. It would really help me out.

Thank you!

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